Top 4 Collagen Benefits for Skin

February 13, 2022

beautiful middle aged woman

Top 4 Collagen Benefits for Skin

We all know that collagen is the protein your body produces to give tissues their durability, strength and structure. But, many people don’t know exactly how marine collagen benefits our skin; how does it actually work.

What Role Does Collagen Play in Our Skin

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and collagen is what gives skin its strength, tone and wrinkle free appearance. In fact, collagen is the main component of skin and makes up about 75% of our skin's dermal layer.

When we’re young, our body produces large amounts of collagen and that’s the main reason why our skin is wrinkle free.  At about age 25 your body’s ability to synthesize new collagen begins a slow decline, and then drops significantly in middle age. The speed of collagen decline in our 50s is dramatic and that’s why many of us start noticing wrinkles, age spots, and lose skin tone at this age.  In the image below, the cross section of skin on the left uses strands to represent the plentiful collagen levels we have in our dermal layer when we are younger.  This strong dermal layer holds the outer, epidermal layer tight and firm.  On the right you see how older skin has significantly less collagen, reduced structure and so the epidermis is loose and wrinkled.

collagen improve the skin's dermal layer


 Here’s How Collagen Peptides Benefit Your Skin:

1. Improves blood flow: As we age, we tend to have reduced function in our blood vessels; they become stiff (atherosclerosis) and this causes reduced blood circulation. Collagen and elastin are critical components that strongly influence healthy blood vessel function.  Elastin allows veins and arteries to snap back to their original shape after contracting and stretching when blood is pumped through them.  Collagen assures the integrity of the blood vessels ensuring they are strong and smooth for easy blood flow. When blood vessels lose their strength and flexibility, cascading events result in plaques accumulation which restrict blood flow.  Reduced blood flow decreases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to our skin cells and causes cell deterioration.  

Supplementing with marine collagen peptides helps blood flow in two ways.  In addition to maintaining levels that help to prevent plaque buildup inside the vessels, Collagen is also rich in the amino acid arginine.  Arginine improves circulation by changing into nitric oxide, a natural relaxant for your blood vessels.  These two actions work to improve your blood flow.  Improved blood flow brings more nutrients to the skin’s cells and improves the health of skin cells.

2. Stimulates your natural collagen production: Marine collagen supplements stimulate your body to produce more collagen in the skin’s dermal layer.  This provides a stronger foundation and support for your skin’s outer layer. This extra support makes the skin firmer, smoother and stronger and also improves its ability to retain moisture, resulting in improved skin appearance and decreased pore size. In fact, studies show marine collagen peptide supplements reduce wrinkle depth by 10-18%.

This increase in collagen production also reduces the density of the cells that cause hyper-pigmentation on our skin. The image below shows man’s forehead.  We can clearly see that after six weeks of using DeepMarine collagen, the hyper-pigmentation, wrinkle depth and pore size are all dramatically reduced.

marine collagen reduces wrinkles and improves hydration

3. Anti-oxidant action- prevents tissue degeneration: UV exposure, smoking, improper diet, and exposure to household chemicals or other air pollutants can cause oxidative stress to your skin cells. Oxidative stress is known to cause inflammation and damage in your cells which speeds the aging of skin. Collagen’s high concentration of amino acids act as anti-oxidants that work to scavenge free radicals and prevent skin tissue damage.

4. Reduces the release of inflammatory agents: In response to irritants and allergens, your body releases inflammatory cytokines resulting in itchy, red and inflamed skin. Marine collagen inhibits the overproduction of these inflammatory cytokines. This calming of the inflammatory process stops the itch, and allows red, dry and cracked skin to heal.  This can be extremely helpful to people that suffer from inflammatory skin diseases like eczema and some types of psoriasis.

The image below shows 2 weeks of healing in a young woman who suffers from chronic eczema.  She took DeepMarine collagen for two weeks and had a remarkable reduction in inflammation and tremendous healing.

marine collagen heals eczema

DeepMarine’s small molecule collagen creates maximum benefits because your body can absorb small molecules more effectively. More of the collagen peptides are absorbed into the blood stream, which means they get to where they’re needed more effectively. At 1,500 Daltons DeepMarine’s collagen peptides are 3-5 times smaller than other collagen supplements on the market.

With DeepMarine, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, you can heal skin, reduce the visible signs of aging, and keep your skin firm, hydrated, and resilient.

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