Revised Anti-Aging Tips

March 11, 2023

Revised Anti-Aging Tips

Why is it that birthdays seem to come around faster and faster the older you get? Along with that rather distressing bit of news, it also seems like your to-do list grows longer every year as well. Before you know it, those healthy habits you were going to adopt in your 30’s are giving way to the new healthy habits you’re planning for your 40s. And then your 50s creep up on you and you realize you’re still struggling to do it all and, to top that off, you’re showing signs of aging.

Wishing you could turn back the clock? With advances in genetics, maybe someday that will be possible. But in the meantime, here are some simple, but powerful tips you can use today to help you stay healthy whatever your age, so you can look and feel your best.


Even though exercise is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy, maintain a healthy body weight, improve your mental health and stave off aging, most adults don’t get nearly enough of it. Let’s face it, most people don’t like to exercise, even though they know it’s good for them. Perhaps you are one of these people.

Most health professionals rely on this current guideline: you should aim for 150 minutes or more of exercise every week, starting small and then working up to more minutes a week. But an intriguing new study published in December of 2022 in the journal Nature Medicine, may bring some much needed relief from those who hate to exercise. It turns out that the current recommendations are based on self-report questionnaires and those didn’t take into consideration short bursts of intense activity that researchers have dubbed VILPA or vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity.

VILPA is a brief (1 to 2 minutes) long intense burst of physical activity done anytime during your day and is embedded into your regular activity. This could mean walking very fast (like you are late for an appointment) for one or two minutes. Or climbing that set of stairs in your building up and down as fast as you can go for a minute or two. Or squeezing in 60 seconds of fast jumping jacks in between tasks. Feel free to come up with your own ideas as well. The best part is that no equipment is required.

The results of the study showed that the people who incorporated just three sessions of VILPA into their daily routine had a substantial reduction in chances of death from any cause, as well as a marked decrease in risk of dying from both cardiovascular disease and cancer. These results were quite similar to those people who regularly got the standard amount of recommended exercise.  So if you hate to exercise, simply build in three 1 to 2 minute bursts of VILPA into your day. Problem solved!

VILPA doesn’t replace those balance and strength exercises though, so twice weekly focus on exercises that concentrate on these.


When it comes to lifestyle,  think in threes: sleep, social support, and stress management.

Besides exercise, getting plenty of good quality, restorative sleep is essential for health aging. Sleep is important for healing and repairing your body, and is critical for concentration, problem-solving skills, and memory, which tend to decline as you age. Plus, poor quality or insufficient sleep can lead to unwanted weight gain.

Having a strong support system is a must, as human beings are inherently social animals. Studies have linked good relationships with better overall well-being. Even though people are digitally connected through the internet in ways that would have seemed impossible a few years ago, there is still a global epidemic of loneliness. This epidemic rivals smoking, heart disease and obesity in terms of its negative impact on human physical and emotional health.

Chronic stress takes a toll emotionally and physically, and has been linked to depression, anxiety, sleep problems, weight gain, heart disease, and more. Learning to manage your stress can help. Meditation, guided imagery, breathing exercises, walking in nature, and positive self-talk are a few examples of stressbusters you can teach yourself and practice daily.

Skin care

There’s no hiding tired skin, at any age. Taking care to keep your skin moisturized and supple helps you look and feel younger and healthier. More importantly, healthy skin helps protect you from toxins and pollutants, as your skin is your body’s first line of defense.

Skin holds less moisture as it ages and becomes more sensitive and less oily. Mature skin often needs a gentler cleanser than younger skin. A gentle touch is also important, as scrubbing can irritate sensitive skin.

Natural sunlight is important for your health, but it can be harsh on delicate facial skin. Use a gentle sunscreen formulated for the face with a SPF of at least 30 to protect from sun damage, as well as sunglasses to protect eyes from cataracts. Early morning sun exposure on your face without makeup or sunscreen can lift your mood and help you sleep better at night, as it sets your body’s master circadian clock for the day. The first hour or so after sunrise has the highest concentration of healing infrared rays and the lowest amount of damaging UV light

Boost your body’s own anti-aging system. Skin loses collagen as we age, and our body isn’t as good at making new collagen, resulting in tired looking, sagging skin. DeepMarine Collagen helps your body produce new collagen, leaving skin more hydrated and younger looking.


It’s never too late to start eating healthier and every cell in your body will benefit from good nutrition. Opt for fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and bump up your lean protein intake to support collagen production, promote healing, and give you stronger muscles and bones.

Add fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and naturally fermented pickles to your diet. Fermented foods support healthy gut bacteria and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to keep you healthier from the inside out.

Drinking enough water helps keep your body fluids balanced, keeps your muscles working better, and keeps your skin looking younger. It’s not necessary to carry around a huge container of water with you all day and attempt to down it all. Plus, it’s a myth that coffee, tea and other non-sweetened beverages don’t count toward your daily intake.

Supplement with DeepMarine Collagen. As you age, our natural collagen production slows down. You feel the loss in painful, stiff joints, and see the loss when you notice flatter, thinning hair and sagging skin. Supplementing with DeepMarine Collagen helps joints, tendons, and muscles function better, relieves  joint pain and helps you function better. Improving collagen production strengthens aging skin, making it look and feel younger.

You can’t change your age, but you can change how you age. It’s never too late to make healthier, happier choices!


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